Joon Yong Kim b. 1972, Busan, South Korea

  • Overview
    “Joon Yong Kim’s deeply carved and polished vessels escape function, now only sometimes reserved for the ceremonial, a nurtured topographic exterior ritual. Thick and thin points in the vessels mass accommodate a gentle gradation of naturally inspired and often complimentary coloring. The greens of fresh spring sprouts, burnt oranges and umbers are paired with somber purples and the blue of night; the lot made whole and seamlessly integrated beneath a buffed sheen.
    By transcending simple dexterity and shrewd choice, Joon attains a certain sensual extravagance, elevating the whole to a point of refinement by device where method is truly inseparable from product (and vice-versa). Beneath an exterior lustre, Joon has nurtured enlightenment.”
    John Drury
  • Works for sale
  • Installation Shots