Sèvres Porcelain
H.1 1/8 Dia.9 7/8in
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With the factory mark in blue enclosing the date letter D for 1757, adjacent to the painter’s mark of a fleur de lys for Vincent Taillandier (active at Vincennes and Sèvres 1753-90).
This plate comes from a service purchased by the financier and banker to the court of Louis XV, Jean-Joseph de Laborde. He purchased it on 21st February 1758 from the Parisian marchand-mercier Lazare Duvaux. These transactions have been analysed by David Peters from the factory's sales records and Lazare Duvaux's day-books recording his sales.
The set recorded with rubans bleu céleste decoration had 60 plates costing the very high amount of 60 livres each. there were also matching mustard pots, butter dishes, salad bowls, serving dishes, sugar bowls and wine decanter coolers. It is possible that it was sold with matching teawares.
This example has the date letter for being made in 1757 which is consistent with other known examples of this service and the fact that it was ready for sale in February 1758 means it was clearly produced during the preceeding year.